32 research outputs found

    Enhancing Writing Quality and Self-Efficacy Beliefs through Process-oriented Task-based Instruction and Multiple Feedback Forms

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    الملخص: يقدم هذا المقال نتائج دراسة شبه تجريبية بهدف تحسين جودة الكتابة ومعتقدات الكفاءة الذاتية لدى طلبة جامعيين جزائريين. اعتمدت الدراسة تعليم الكتابة القائم على المهام وعلى أساس العملية، واستخدمت أشكالا متعددة من التغذية الراجعة (ذاتية، من الأقران، ومن الأستاذ). شملت الدراسة 24 طالباً جامعياً جزائرياً يدرسون اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية، ولديهم مستوى متوسط في الكتابة الأكاديمية. تم جمع البيانات من خلال اختبارات الكتابة ما قبل وما بعد التجريب لتقييم جودة الكتابة لدى المشاركين، وكذلك من خلال استبيانات ما قبل وما بعد التجريب ومقابلات ما بعد التجريب لقياس مستويات معتقدات الكفاءة الذاتية لديهم بالنسبة للكتابة. كشف تحليل النتائج عن أن المشاركين أظهروا درجات متفاوتة من التقدم في جودة الكتابة مقارنة بأدائهم قبل التجريب، وزيادة معتدلة في مستويات معتقدات الكفاءة الذاتية بالنسبة للكتابة حسب تقاريرهم الذاتية بعد التجريب. تشير هذه النتائج إلى أن تبني نهج التدريب القائم على أساس المهام والعملية في تعليم الكتابة الأكاديمية، إلى جانب استخدام أشكال متعددة من التغذية الراجعة، يسهم بشكل كبير في تحسين مهارات الكتابة لدى الطلاب الذين يتعلمون الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية كذلك من معتقدات الإيجابية بقدرتهم على الكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية.Abstract: This article presents the research findings of a quasi-experimental study seeking to enhance the writing quality and self-efficacy beliefs of Algerian undergraduate learners. The study employed task-based writing instruction within the process approach framework, and various forms of formative feedback (self-, peer-, and teacher feedback). The sample comprised 24 English as a foreign language (EFL) undergraduate learners with an intermediate level in academic writing. Data were collected through pre- and post-intervention writing tests to assess the participants’ writing quality, as well as pre- and post-intervention surveys, along with post-hoc interviews, to measure their writing self-efficacy levels. The analysis of the findings revealed that, in comparison to their pre-intervention performance, the participants exhibited varying degrees of progress in writing quality and a moderate increase in their self-reported writing self-efficacy levels. These results suggest that adopting a process-oriented task-based approach to teaching academic writing, along with diverse forms of formative feedback, positively enhances EFL learners’ writing skills and fosters more positive beliefs in their English writing abilities

    A survey on pseudonym changing strategies for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    The initial phase of the deployment of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) has begun and many research challenges still need to be addressed. Location privacy continues to be in the top of these challenges. Indeed, both of academia and industry agreed to apply the pseudonym changing approach as a solution to protect the location privacy of VANETs'users. However, due to the pseudonyms linking attack, a simple changing of pseudonym shown to be inefficient to provide the required protection. For this reason, many pseudonym changing strategies have been suggested to provide an effective pseudonym changing. Unfortunately, the development of an effective pseudonym changing strategy for VANETs is still an open issue. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey and classification of pseudonym changing strategies. We then discuss and compare them with respect to some relevant criteria. Finally, we highlight some current researches, and open issues and give some future directions

    Intertwined localization and error-resilient geographic routing for mobile wireless sensor networks

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    “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Wireless Networks. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11276-018-1836-7”Geographic routing in wireless sensor networks brings numerous inherent advantages, albeit its performance relying heavily on accurate node locations. In mobile networks, localization of the continuously moving nodes is a challenging task and location errors are inevitable and affect considerably routing decisions. Our proposal is in response to the unrealistic assumption widely made by previous geographic routing protocols that the accurate location of mobile nodes can be obtained at any time. Such idealized assumption results in under-performing or infeasible routing protocols for the real world applications. In this paper, we propose INTEGER, a localization method intertwined with a new location-error-resilient geographic routing specifically designed for mobile sensor networks even when these networks are intermittently connected. By combining the localization phase with the geographic routing process, INTEGER can select a relay node based on nodes’ mobility predictions from the localization phase. Results show that INTEGER improves the efficiency of the routing by increasing the packet delivery ratio and by reducing the energy consumption while minimizing the number of relay nodes compared to six prevalent protocols from the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    HPDM: A Hybrid Pseudonym Distribution Method for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

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    AbstractProtecting the location privacy of drivers is still one of the main challenges in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). The changing of pseudonym is commonly accepted as a solution to this problem. The pseudonyms represent fake vehicle identifiers. Roadside Units (RSUs) play a central role in the existing pseudonyms distribution solutions. Indeed, the VANET area should totally be covered by RSUs in order to satisfy the demand of vehicles in terms of pseudonyms. However, the total coverage is costly and hard to be achieved, especially in the first phase of VANETs deployment. In addition, RSUs could be overloaded due to the large number of pseudonyms requests that could be received from vehicles. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid pseudonyms distribution method, called HPDM that relies not only on RSUs but also on vehicles to perform the pseudonyms distribution. The analysis demonstrate that HPDM is privacy and accountability preserving. The performance evaluation of the proposed method is carried out using veins framework based on OMNet++ network simulator and SUMO mobility engine and shows its feasibility

    La publicidad en Marruecos: análisis y traducción

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    TFG propuesto para Matrícula de HonorEl presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se propone como objetivo el estudio y análisis descriptivo de la publicidad marroquí desde los puntos de vista lingüístico y sociocultural. Mediante este estudio analítico, procedo a analizar las distintas variedades lingüísticas habladas en el país y su uso y su papel en el campo de la publicidad. Como estudiante de Traducción e Interpretación, todos los aspectos relativos a los idiomas, la lingüística y la traducción me generan un gran interés. Por ello, además de analizar los aspectos de índole histórica y sociocultural, he analizado los aspectos lingüísticos y estrategias lingüísticas empleadas en la publicidad del país. Si bien es cierto que existen numerosos trabajos y estudios acerca de la publicidad marroquí, la novedad de este estudio reside en el análisis de estrategias lingüísticas empleadas en este y otros campos (Arabización de marcas extranjeras, fusión entre el árabe y otros idiomas para la creación de nuevos términos...), el análisis de los campos publicitarios en los que se usa cada idioma o variedad lingüística y el análisis de los aspectos culturales y sociales que influyen en la audiencia marroquí. Al final de este trabajo, propongo traducciones mías propias de algunos anuncios marroquíes televisivos para comentar las principales estrategias de adaptación y transcreación que sufren los discursos publicitarios de un idioma a otro, concretamente del árabe estándar y el árabe marroquí al español, comparando así la diferencia del texto del anuncio origen y el resultado de su traducción al español, algo que se ha visto poco en otros trabajos en lo relativo a la publicidad marroquí. Cabe destacar además, que los anuncios elegidos no se encuadran necesariamente dentro de un marco temporal concreto, pues, he analizado y traducido anuncios de diversas épocas para poder comparar las diferencias. Por otro lado, he intentado escoger algún anuncio en árabe marroquí o dāriŷa con el fin de dar a conocer y a respetar más el lenguaje que usan los ciudadanos marroquíes en su día a día y normalizar su uso puesto que, lamentablemente, sigue teniendo una visión “estigmatizada”. Por último, cabe mencionar que, la publicidad, el discurso publicitario y la traducción y transcreación de la publicidad, merecen un trabajo y un análisis completo por su lado, por ello, dado que este trabajo pretende ser un trabajo informativo y breve sobre el tema elegido, solo he destacado algunas de las características principales sobre los temas anteriormente mencionados

    dSDiVN: a distributed Software-Defined Networking architecture for Infrastructure-less Vehicular Networks

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    In the last few years, the emerging network architecture paradigm of Software-Defined Networking (SDN), has become one of the most important technology to manage large scale networks such as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Recently, several works have shown interest in the use of SDN paradigm in VANETs. SDN brings flexibility, scalability and management facility to current VANETs. However, almost all of proposed Software-Defined VANET (SDVN) architectures are infrastructure-based. This paper will focus on how to enable SDN in infrastructure-less vehicular environments. For this aim, we propose a novel distributed SDN-based architecture for uncovered infrastructure-less vehicular scenarios. It is a scalable cluster-based architecture with distributed mobile controllers and a reliable fall back recovery mechanism based on self-organized clustering and failure anticipation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted in I4CS201

    Strengths and Weaknesses of Prominent Data Dissemination Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data dissemination is the most significant task in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). From the bootstrapping stage to the full functioning stage, a WSN must disseminate data in various patterns like from the sink to node, from node to sink, from node to node, or the like. This is what a WSN is deployed for. Hence, this issue comes with various data routing models and often there are different types of network settings that influence the way of data collection and/or distribution. Considering the importance of this issue, in this paper, we present a survey on various prominent data dissemination techniques in such network. Our classification of the existing works is based on two main parameters: the number of sink (single or multiple) and the nature of its movement (static or mobile). Under these categories, we have analyzed various previous works for their relative strengths and weaknesses. A comparison is also made based on the operational methods of various data dissemination schemes

    On the Medium Access Control Protocols Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey

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    A MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol has direct impact on the energy efficiency and traffic characteristics of any Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Due to the inherent differences in WSN’s requirements and application scenarios, different kinds of MAC protocols have so far been designed especially targeted to WSNs, though the primary mode of communications is wireless like any other wireless network. This is the subject topic of this survey work to analyze various aspects of the MAC protocols proposed for WSNs. To avoid collision and ensure reliability, before any data transmission between neighboring nodes in MAC layer, sensor nodes may need sampling channel and synchronizing. Based on these needs, we categorize the major MAC protocols into three classes, analyze each protocol’s relative advantages and disadvantages, and finally present a comparative summary which could give a snapshot of the state-of-the-art to guide other researchers find appropriate areas to work on. In spite of various existing survey works, we have tried to cover all necessary aspects with the latest advancements considering the major works in this area